4 Months Old

Hello! L and C are now four months old and doing great! They are busy smiling, laughing, taking lots of rides in their stroller and just enjoying life.....how could they not! They have it made.

I'm back to work now, I had students all day beginning this past Thursday. My mom is watching the babes and it's going great ;-)  My mom is amazing! She not only has been taking awesome care of L and C, but she has gone above and beyond by doing chores around our house...while I always tell her to stop, I love that she keeps doing them! It really makes it nice to come home and not have to do all the wash or clean this that and the other.

We are going to the Dr.'s soon for their next dose of shots....yay-NOT! It's not my favorite thing to do for sure.  We took some pictures this past weekend...thought I would share...

I hope you all are doing great and enjoying the end of summer!

Blog spot is having troubles loading my pictures......I'll be back tomorrow to try again ;-)
