Thanksgiving 2013

Hello Friends! 
  Well did you gobble till you wobbled?! I sure did! I have to say this was one of the best Thanksgivings yet. We started early with part of our family coming over in the morning to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and had a wonderful breakfast together. It was so nice! 
   While the kids took an afternoon nap we prepared for the other side of our family. Dinner couldn't have been better. The food and company was great! We had lots of laughs and plenty of giggles with Landen and Caroline! 
   I know we all say we're Thankful.  Sometimes it's easy to rattle off what we should be thankful for... But to truly meditate on it and to really think of how our lives could be much different and to think of those who are struggling, makes me feel so deeply grateful for literally every person and thing we have. 
   I know many of you are beginning to get into the spirit of Christmas and others are beginning to celebrate the miracle of Hanukkah. I wish for all of you to continue into the holiday season with a truly grateful heart. 

From our family to yours! Happy Holidays! 
