Keep Calm and Mommy On!
Working Momma
Somehow August came and went as well as September. I am back to work and while it has been a lot of fun, we've been super busy!I had a brilliant idea over the summer, after meeting with the pediatrician, that we would enroll Landen and Caroline in preschool at Rockwern. I figured they would get the suggested socialization and I wouldn't have to make an extra trip to a gym class or other after school activity. Now while I don't regret signing them up for two days a week, I have found it to be a great morning challenge to get the kids up by 6:15, change them, brush teeth, comb hair, and run out the door with food and some milk all by 6:30/6:45.
They are usually really good sports about doing all of that early in the morning but I have found they hate traffic as much as I do and Caroline likes to scream about it. There is nothing more frustrating than being stuck in a van with a screaming child. Then when she says she has to go potty it's even more urgent we get through traffic...I forgot to add we take the potty with us in the van for moments like these! You should see the stack of bags and cups I drag out to the van.
Once at school they are happy as clams (where did that saying come from ? ). Caroline says "hi" to anyone she sees and she loves to show off her ladybug backpack (thank you to our fab cousins in jersey!) They love their teachers from what I've seen and heard. I still find it bizarre they are able to 'go to school' for a full day. They are fun and inquisitive. They are ornery but loving. They totally have sibling moments too!
Aaron has been doing well. Work is going great and he is now a new member on the March of Dimes Board. It's a wonderful accomplishment and honor for him. The cause means the world to us as well. Aaron is working on 'finishing' projects on the patio. The weather has been much more cooperative the past couple of weeks. He's been running when he can. We just did the CABVI 5k at Spring Grove. I wish the races weren't so expensive! We'd love to do one every weekend if we could.
As for me, I have been running with my sister throughout the week and then on the weekend with either her or Aaron. We've been getting in between three and four miles at a time which feels so about a work out pushing the kids. It's nice to have her as a running buddy and it ensures we get our runs in. I've gotten to see some movies on demand. Mom's Night Out was great-for me. I could relate. I laughed, cried, and felt more human by the end of the movie. Having a tye 'A' personality is not always your friend and it can really make a mom feel like it's never enough and there is always a mountain of things to accomplish. We also have seen The Draft with Kevin Costner. It moved quick for being a two hour movie. It was a good 'feel good' movie too.
we are beginning to get more and more excited for the holidays. We are having Thanksgiving at our house like we do every year. I hope it's nice out so we could maybe extend our festivities into the back yard. Fingers crossed for good weather!
I hope each one of you are doing well. I think often as to why this blog came about, where we were, how far we have come, how fortunate we are, and how much each one of you made a difference in our lives. We are still forever grateful for your thoughts, prayers, visits, food, clothing, blankets, and treats! Our kiddos are amazing little people because of you!
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