The Federal Farmhouse Refrigerator Pickles


The Federal Farmhouse Refrigerator Pickles


6-8 Cucumbers

2C White Onion

10 Fresh Dill Weed

4C Apple Cider Vinegar

4C Water

16 Cloves Garlic

4TBS Kosher Salt

2tsp Granulated Sugar

2tsp Whole Peppercorn Melody

2tsp Whole Yellow Mustard Seeds

Optional: Pinch of Red Pepper Flakes



Pack pint-sized jars with sliced/speared/chucks cucumbers, onion slices, and dill sprigs. Leave a ½ inch of space at the top of the jar for liquid.

In a small pot heat vinegar, water, garlic, and spices until the mixture simmers and the salt and sugar are dissolved.

Cool the brine to warm. Fill the jars so everything is covered with the brine.

Close lid tightly and refrigerate for 24 hours before eating…IF you can wait!


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