3 Weeks


Who doesn't LOVE baby feet!

Landen's Cute Feet

Sweet Landen

He was cheering on the Red Legs this day!

I would LOVE to write you all a long message today, but don't you know I just sat down with five minutes to spare until the babes are supposed to eat and they are both awake now and crying. With that said, I'll be really brief.

We went to the Dr.'s the other day and here are their stats:

Landen  18 1/2 inches long     7.4lbs
Caroline 18 1/4 inches long    6.10

They are both healthy and doing great!! 

I'll try to write MORE later...for now babes and dogs are now all making LOTS of noise!!!  If only you could hear it....It's really a good problem to have :-) At least in my opinion!!!

Love and Hugs!!
