Memorial Day

Memorial Day marked four weeks for the twins! I really can't believe they are already a month old....time flies when you're having fun :-)  We spent the weekend with family over at my parent's house for Memorial Day. Aaron and my dad love to get together and smoke meat so they started bright and early....I believe 3:00 a.m. for my dad and Aaron got there around 4:00 a.m.  I followed suit but not until 7:15a.m with the kiddos. 

I must say, it pays to be organized and structured when it comes to getting myself and two little ones ready and out the door within an hour and a half. Mom made a great breakfast and we just hung out the rest of the day with great food and company. The babes were fussy most of the morning, which is so out of character for them both. I'm not being sarcastic, they really aren't ever fussy. So they made it a little difficult to get in the pool. But once everyone showed up, Aaron and I had some baby sitters so we could swim for a little bit...I believe I was in for 20 minutes...No tan for me :)

We ran by the outlet mall yesterday to grab a few things we needed to get. My sister's wedding is coming up not this Saturday but the next and we got a cute dress for Caroline. I'm still on the hunt for the right thing for Landen. I have a few places I'm hitting this week...surely I will find what I'm looking for.  You know I have to have us color cordinated :-)

Along with my sister's wedding next weekend, my best friend from GA is coming in to visit and help with the kiddos. I'm SOOO excited to have her up and the kids to meet their Aunt Lindsey!!!!!  The twins will also be meeting my Uncle Nick and Aunt Bev from NJ as well, I'm so glad they will get to meet them while they are still little!  I'm really looking forward to a fun weekend!!

Health wise, the twins are doing well.   We go this week to the pediatrician to get shots and to check their weight.  They have graduated to only breast feeding now that they are stronger and have the energy. They are doing fantastic. They eat every three hours during the day and at night they go about four or five hours straight between feedings.  Twenty minute feedings beat the hour and a half it was taking us with everything we were having to do...I'm not sure if I mentioned in my last post, but the twins are sleeping in their own cribs. So far so good on that front as well.  They don't seem to mind at all and it's working out great for us. 

I believe that is about it for now, here are some pictures from the past few days!

Pinch me i'm cute

Lovin' the crab on the tush

Landen isn't diggin' this

Meeting Uncle Dave

Grammy and Grampy

Getting some good zzzzzz's by the pool

String bean :-)
