They're Here!!

They're here!! This past Sunday, April 29th, I had been having high blood pressure in the afternoon and early evening.  Since my blood pressure wasn't going down, they did a preeclampsia blood test and I had some levels that were on the rise.  With that, they decided it would be best for me to be induced.

That evening around 10:00 p.m, the doctor broke Caroline's water and by 1:20 a.m., we delivered Caroline and at 1:46 a.m. we delivered Landen on April 30th.  Caroline had no troubles. It's always the second baby that labor is harder on because they are going through more contractions.  Landen was "sunny side up" and because of his position and his cord being around his neck, the doctor used suction to help deliver him. 

Caroline was able to stay with us and Landen went to the NICU where he received some oxygen during the day and he was back in the room with us by the evening so we only had to go a short time without him. With them being preemies, they have some jaundice.  Caroline's is under control and Landen is currently on a billiblanket. The pediatrician struggled with sending us home this past Wednesday, but because he is eating and digesting things so well, she said we could go home as long as he was being seen over the next few days.

Yesterday we went to Children's for his billi test and it had gone up a point and then we went to the pediatrician for check ups.  They feel he is fine and that he just needs time for his liver to develop some more.  The bruise on his head is what is making his recovery longer. His body has to process all the red blood cells from the bruise so with that, it's taking longer for him to recover.

Today, a nurse came out to do his billi test again and it went from 12.6 to 12.9 which is great...the blanket is working.  Tomorrow the nurse is coming again to draw blood and we will go to the pediatrician and they will decide if he should stay on the blanket or not.
He continues to eat and potty like crazy which is a positive sign that he is doing just fine.

I have to tell you Aaron was amazing the day they were born. He changed every diaper probably for the first two days and was my legs for everything.  After delivering, I had to go back onto Mag for 24hrs because of my blood pressure which left me in a fog.  On top of that, labor on a body that had been on bed rest, left me feeling like I had been hit by a Mack truck.  Once off the Mag I had more energy, but my body was aching pretty bad. I'm now feeling much better compared to then, however, I fatigue easily and my feet and legs swell up like crazy if I'm up too much. Aside from that, I feel pretty good. I have to tell you first diaper I changed was on Caroline and Aaron was standing with me since I had just come off the mag and she managed to pee and poop on me all at the same time..I was officially initiated into parent hood at that point :-)

I have to tell you, coming home was so weird! Everything is SO green compared to when I came in.  It felt so weird coming into our house. I think it took a few minutes for the dogs to figure out who I was and that I was home to stay.  The pups have been great around the babies. They have been curious and gentle.

Aaron and I are doing great. We have a routine that is working for us so far and we are getting some rest now that we're a little more settled. It will be interesting next week when Aaron goes back to work.

There is so much more I want to write, but I have a few things to do before the next feeding...Here are some pictures to look at :-)

Thank you for being our cheerleaders all of this time!.........WE DID IT!!!!!!!

Miss Caroline....She has stolen daddy's heart already..they are best friends already.

My man Landen!  He has become my little buddy!!


Before we delivered...this time it was for real!


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