One Week

Hello!  Just wanted to drop a line and tell you we are all doing well. We've got a great schedule that is working well for us and allowing for us to rest and get things done here and there around the house.  While there really aren't "days" anymore, this revolving schedule we have is what I expected and is actually somewhat relaxing. 

I find the nights to be more difficult since I'm used to sleeping more during those hours, but it still isn't bad. It's just a matter of retraining my body-I was already used to getting up quiet frequently during the night while being pregnant, now it's just getting used to staying up for a longer period of time.

I've never lost so much weight by not doing I had gained a good 60lbs and so far I have lost 39lbs. But I suppose between breast feeding and being off bed rest and more active I should be losing something ;-)

Aaron went back to work this week and I just can't imagine what that would be like. He misses being with us for sure. He comes home and scoops them up to snuggle with them. While he loves Landen, Caroline has him wrapped around his finger already.  It's neat to see him bond with them. I knew he would be a good dad, but now I see he is an outstanding dad who is very affectionate and loving. He's really amazing.

We've gone to the pediatrician a few times already and had a nurse out everyday from last Thursday to this past Sunday.  They were monitoring Landen's jaundice and checking his weight.  He came off the billi blanket on Sunday and is doing well as of now.  Concerned with their health and being preemies, I asked the doctor about running through the grocery store and such with them and he told us with them being preemies it's extremely important that we do everything we can to eliminate any exposure to outside germs. 

With that being said, he highly recommend we keep them out of stores and wait to have visitors.   While we want everyone to meet Landen and Caroline, we have decided to err on the side of caution and wait until they are a month or two old (depending on how they are doing) to have visitors.  It's hard not to share them, but we want them to grow in a healthy direction.  We are extremely happy to have them at home and we want to keep it that way.  We will be sure to let you know when they are ready for visitors!  Until then, here are some pictures of them ;-)


  1. Oh my goodness, they are precious!! They are so beautiful!

    I am so glad you all are in some routine. Thinking of you all the time!

    Annie & Lou


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