Dr.'s Report

We continue to learn a little more about where we were a week and a half ago and where we are now. We learned today from the Dr. that a week and a half ago was a very critical time and so we now realize what a hurdle we have jumped. Now, being at 25 weeks and 5 days, we know we are in better shape but ideally have two more weeks we're shooting for; better chance of survival and less of a chance of them having a disability. Then of course we want to get two more and so on :) Bottom line is we are already 10 times better than we were at 24 weeks!

The Dr. took me off of the Mag this afternoon and put me onto an oral medication to keep the contractions under control (Yay no more IV!).  They will continue to closely monitor me to ensure I'm not having more frequent contractions. If I were to begin having contractions again, we have several avenues to quiet them- Mag being one of them, a shot, and oral medication. I did learn today from the Dr. that sometimes you can't stop what the body has committed to, even with medicine, so we pray my body does not commit to having these little ones any time soon!  They will continue monitoring the babies twice a day and I will now go twice a week for ultrasounds to check the amniotic fluid-because of the meds I'm on. Every other week during the ultrasound they will check their size. They will not be checking cervical length or if I'm dilated because that could cause us more harm than good.

The Dr. also mentioned that  as my uterus continues to grow, it widens, taking some pressure off my cervix.  This will most certainly help our situation. Aside from all of that, I will get the routine glucose screening you do during pregnancy tomorrow and continue on bedrest here at the hospital. The physical therapist did come in and gave me a nice list of excersises to do in bed....So, from what I'm hearing and from what my gut tells me, we can take a deep breath and relax for the time being...and hopefully just coast for the next several weeks and we will be just fine :)  Prayers, however, are always welcomed!

Love and Hugs to you all!


  1. Thanks to Penny's help, I'm finally able to comment. I've been thinking of you often and sending you all the very best. So glad to hear that the babies are doing well and that you are staying so positive! In case you didn't get the cards from me and Arielle (I think I saw Jonah's in your picture), please let me know if Danny or I can do anything (professionally or personally) to help you all out. Hang in there! We miss you!

  2. Hi Lesley! I'm so glad you can post! It's great to hear from you! I will be sure to let you know of anything you can do to help. Please tell Arielle and Jonah I said hello, I miss them, and I love them both!!!

  3. Sounds great. I signed up to come visit you on 3/5, so I will touch base with you before then. I also signed up to bring Aaron a meal, so I will coordinate with him when he'd like it. Arielle and Jonah enjoyed your message and I am so glad that things are continuing to go well. 'Enjoy' your weekend and take care! Lesley


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