We've Made it Another Week!

Yay! 26 weeks!

Today marks another successful week! It's been a busy morning. They woke me around 5 a.m. to start my three hour glucose test. My veins did not want to cooperate today so that led to extra sticking...I guess being stuck four times wasn't enough to be stuck, we needed a few more marks added to my arm...the good news is from what I heard last I passed the test! YAY! So no changing my diet and all that jazz.

During all of that, I got myself showered and dressed since I will be headed out of my room this afternoon :)  We are going on a tour of the NICU and then I have an ultrasound shortly after.  So between now and then, I'm going to eat lunch and sneak in an afternoon nap! I love FRIDAYS for many reasons, one it marks another week of success for us and because I'll be seeing Aaron a lot more over the weekend! I'm starting to really miss him...anyways, all is well, if the Dr. has anything to add once I see her, I'll be sure to post :)

<3 and hugs



  1. thanks for the update i hope u have a great weekend with aaron and i will tell grandma and grandpa that u are doing ok get some rest see u some time soon


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