31 Weeks!

31 weeks!
Yay! We've made it to 31 weeks! We are so excited that we are sooooo close to making it to 32! Once we meet 32, we be avoiding big developmental issues for the babes and we will be able to breathe a little easier :)  Anything after 32 weeks is considered a bonus the Dr.'s say.

Not too much going on today. I will go for a fluid check but that's not really a big deal. It was fine on Tuesday so I'm sure it'll be the same today.  I'm feeling really good this morning...the babies are up and moving and I got some really good rest last night...I'm looking forward to a great day! It's so nice to feel so good and refreshed!

Have a great Friday!!

Love and Hugs!


  1. Hope u doing ok on john side sending u love and cant wait for the babys to come i hope u have a great week talk to u soon love ya


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