Late Night, Early Morning

Ugh was it a late night and now an early morning....I'm sitting in the dark eating pop tarts and drinking milk tracking contractions. I know, not the healthiest thing to eat, but it's all I have that sounds good. And from last week's experience, I know how long it may be before you have a meal when it comes to labor and delivery..So I'm not about to miss a meal.  :)

 Last night around six I started up with contractions again which were every five to six minutes and uncomfortable... So the Dr. ordered  another IV of fluids, which they had just taken out earlier, and a shot to kill the contractions. Thank God both things worked unlike last Tuesday.

I am still on the IV this morning getting fluids. So my toes that actually looked normal yesterday are already swelled up like Fred Flintstones. They said I will probably come off the fluid this morning.  My body seems to keep revving up and it's happening more frequently...I'm hoping I can have just a few more days here.

  Praying for a quiet day...


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