Stir Crazy....

I'm writing to  let you know I'm still here and nothing has changed. There isn't really anything more to share....other than I'm starting to go stir crazy!

I was up early this morning at 2:30 and could not go back to sleep...that can really make a day seem long...I did manage to fall back asleep around 5:00 and then was woken up by the resident Dr. and then a loud PCA. She's like a rooster in the morning "GOOD MORNING DANIELLE! HOW ARE YOU DOING!" Today was not the day to wake up up when I could have rolled over and gone right back to sleep.

So, since I was awake at 7:15 I took a shower and got myself ready for the day....a day of staring at a wall and a door...ugh it's beginning to suck!  I feel bad saying that knowing I have two cute little babies who need me to sit here...I just wish I could get outside for my rides...but the Dr.'s have all said no. Today I have a different Dr. I haven't seen in awhile...I'll of course be asking her if I can get outside....Even though I know she will probably be telling me no.

That's about it for now...


  1. I am still praying for you and your little ones. I hope your day goes well.

    1. Thank you Dana! We greatly appreciate all your thoughts and prayers! We know they are working!

  2. Need anything? Magazines, books, etc. Thinking of you!!!!

    1. Hi Annie! Thank you for thinking of us! I'm doing good, I can't think of anything I need...but I'll be sure to let you know if I think of something :)


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