BuMp In ThE rOaD

Today I went to my ultrasound to check the amniotic fluid which is where we hit our bump in the road.  The medicine I've been on, Sulindac, can cause the amniotic fluid levels to go down. Which is why they monitor it every week.  So today Landen's amniotic fluid measured at 7cm which is plenty of fluid and Caroline measured at 1.2cm (last week it was 4).  

We learned from the Dr. that you want the amniotic fluid to be at 2cm and above.  The Dr. is confident the decrease in fluid is due to the Sulindac. They changed my medicine immediately and I will go Friday for another ultrasound. The Dr. said by Friday we should see an increase in fluid. For the time being, Caroline is fine. 

We were reassured that right now she is not in any immediate danger. However, it will be important for me to monitored closely and have more ultrasounds. Both babies monitoring in the morning and night were excellent today. They had healthy heart rates and were reactive.

We are breathing a lot easier than we were earlier today, but we still have our concerns and are looking forward to better results at Friday's ultrasound.

I will be sure to keep you posted on the latest...

Love and Hugs!


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